What matters,
When it matters most
Since our inception in 1985 we have held one belief – our sole aim is helping our clients understand consumers. Be it developing new products or communications, or crafting brand architectures, our belief is that everything flows from a deep and honest understanding of consumers' complex needs and desires.
We are Deep Generalists.
Board of Directors

Cheah Kim Lean
There is a quote from Albert Einstein that has always inspired me. "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle". When I think back to my early research days, I realize life was a frenzy of activities, mostly unplanned but it was fun and happy even when I least expect them. As a researcher, I always thought events have a pattern and outcomes follow paths of predetermined action. But then life deals you surprises that are best appreciated if there were no moral expectations. I guess I prefer to live my life as though "everything is a miracle". Then every sunrise would be pure magic, family and good friends a great blessing and time always a treasure.
I started my research career in marketing research in Malaysia, grew in awe of the power of consumer research in Singapore and tested the cultural boundaries of research in Hong Kong. "Tested" because I had to immerse myself in Cantonese not to survive the taxi drivers and the restaurant waiters but to embrace the rich culture of a dynamic Chinese market.
Throughout the migration from country to country I have kept my major clients from food and beverage companies, financial institutions, telecommunications and others. This is in line with Acorn's philosophy of partnering our clients and growing with them in excellence. My research approach is heuristic centering on brand assessment and reiteration to make client brands more relevant as markets evolve and consumer needs become more sophisticated.
My mission is developing the business across Asia. My passion is in training our young executives in the science and art of Marketing Research. My joy is in helping the charities in China for the medical rehabilitation of physically challenged orphans to give them a chance for adoption. In my work and personal life everything is a miracle.
Country Managers